Brampton tape strips
Brampton tape strips
Brampton grip tape is a high-quality product made in the USA and is the most cost effective tape in the golf industry. It is an economical tape that is used in many repair shops for golf grip installation. Brampton grip tape is double sided crepe paper with easy to peel liner making it perfect for golf club regripping and golf grip repair. Brampton grip tape is used in the full line of Brampton golf grip repair kits and is the best tape to use with HF-100 golf grip solvent. The product details of this solvent activated golf grip tape includes; 6.0 mil crepe paper, double coated with pressure sensitive natural rubber adhesive and an easy release double liners.Brampton Premium Golf Grip Tape - 2" x 10" Solvent Activated Adhesive Strips for Golf Club Regripping 15 per pack